Emergency Info

Use your phone to call 911 only for emergency situations that threaten human life or property and that demand immediate attention. Please do not call this number for non-emergencies, as this will cause delays in handling real emergencies.
If you are calling from a cell phone, 911 will connect you to the California Highway Patrol. If you want to call the Pinole Emergency line directly from a cell phone, call (510) 724-1111. It is a good idea to program this number into your cell phone so it will be readily available.


Would you be prepared in the event of an earthquake or other natural disaster? Are you worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack and want to know what you can do if chemical or biological weapons were to be used in our area?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created the Ready.gov website with helpful information and checklists. We suggest you follow their suggestions on how to assemble a supply kit and develop a family communications plan, which is the same for any type of disaster.


The USGS (United States Geological Society) also has a very informative website that can give you information on earthquakes and other natural disasters.


Crawl low under smoke – Heat and smoke rise so the air by the floor is the coolest and clearest. If you encounter smoke or flames while evacuating, stay close to the floor. Get down on your hands and knees and crawl to the nearest safe exit.

Test every door – Before opening any door, make sure it is safe to do so. Reach up with the back of your hand to touch the door, the door handle, and the space between the door and frame. If any of them feel hot, use your alternate exit. If everything feels cool, brace your shoulder against the door and open it carefully. Be ready to close it quickly if heat or smoke rush in. As you leave, close all doors behind you. Closed doors restrain the deadly speed of smoke and fire!

If you are trapped – Close doors between you and the fire. Use blankets or towels to cover vents and cracks between floors and doors. Wait at a window and signal for help by using a flashlight or by waving a bright colored sheet or cloth. If there is a phone in the room, call 9-1-1, and tell them exactly where you are.

If your clothes catch fire – If your clothing catches fire: stop where you are, drop to the ground, and roll back and forth to put the fire out (teach your children how to do this). Immediately cool a burn with cool running water under a tap for five to ten minutes and then seek medical attention.


If you have an emergency gas leak, immediately contact PG&E:

1-800-743-5000 (English)

1-800-652-4712 (TTD/TTY)

1-800-893-9555 (Chinese)

1-800-660-6789 (Spanish)

1-800-298-8438 (Vietnamese)


For 24-hour information on electric outages, call 1-800-743-5002.


In case of exposure to poisonous, hazardous or toxic substances, call 1-800-876-4766 (24-hour)

Keep a bottle of Syrup of Ipecac on hand, but do not induce vomiting unless instructed by a professional (some situations can be made worse by vomiting).


The following links have helpful emergency information.

American Red Cross, Contra Costa County

195 Brandon Rd
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
P: (925) 603-7400
F: (925) 603-7406

California OES

Information from the State of California Office of Emergency Services on everything from reports to preparing your family for natural and manmade disasters.


Information from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for disaster planning, education, and updates.


Information from the Department of Homeland Security on preparing a plan for you and your family in the event terrorist activity.