Operations & Maintenance
The Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Division plays a crucial role in ensuring that infrastructure and public facilities are functional, safe, and efficient.
Their responsibilities typically include:
- Routine Maintenance: Performing regular upkeep on public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, water treatment facilities, and public buildings to prevent deterioration and ensure they remain in good working condition.
- Emergency Repairs: Addressing urgent repairs needed due to accidents, natural disasters, or unexpected failures. This can include fixing water main breaks, potholes, or damage from severe weather.
- Facility Management: Overseeing the operation of public facilities, which might involve HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, and other critical systems within public buildings.
- Asset Management: Keeping track of public assets, including maintenance schedules, repair history, and life-cycle management. This helps in planning for future needs and budgeting.
- Compliance and Safety: Ensuring that all operations comply with relevant regulations, safety standards, and environmental guidelines to protect public health and safety.
- Customer Service: Handling public inquiries and service requests related to infrastructure issues, ensuring that concerns are addressed in a timely manner.
- Planning and Coordination: Collaborating with other divisions and external agencies to coordinate maintenance activities, plan for upgrades, and manage long-term projects.
Currently, this division oversees approximately 120 lane miles of roadway, 523 streetlights, street trees, storm water collection system, wastewater collection system, water pollution control plant, and the maintenance of four community parks, five neighborhood parks, three public open spaces, park play structures, fields, bathrooms, and several trails. This division also maintains several city-owned facilities and city-owned fleet vehicles.
If you see conditions that requires attention, repair or maintenance, please contact the Public Works Department.

Public Works
Joe Bingaman
Public Works Manager
- Graffiti
- Illegal Dumping
- Street & Sidewalk Maintenance
- Street Light Maintenance
- Parks Maintenance
- Tree Trimming & Removal
The O&M division only removes Graffiti on public property. To report any incidents of graffiti on public property please use the report an Issue function.
If graffiti is located on private property it is the property owner’s responsibility to remove graffiti from private property. If graffiti is found on private property please contact the Code Enforcement Division
Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping refers to the unauthorized disposal of waste materials in places that are not designated for such purposes. It often involves oil, furniture, appliances, trash, litter, or landscaping cuttings, an many more items, upon any public right-of-way or private property, without consent of the owner and/or the City of Pinole. Hazardous material such household products (batteries, oil, paint, and antifreeze), commercial and industrial items and fluids, and other regulated or illegal substances create a dangerous environment and pollute our very near neighbor. Illegal dumping costs taxpayers tens of thousands each year.
Report Illegal Dumping immediately by contacting Public Works.
Littering is illegal dumping on a small scale. Please read a Litter Letter written by a City Volunteer.
According to Pinole Municipal Code Section 8.08.050, placing solid waste on streets, sidewalks, etc. is prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to throw, place, scatter, or deposit, or cause to be thrown, placed, scattered, or deposited upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place in the city, any solid wastes, except that a property owner may place properly packaged materials at the curb on regularly scheduled days established by the city or the collector for the removal of the same. (Ord. 490 § 2 (part), 1986).
A first violation shall be subject to a fine of no more than one hundred dollars. A second violation during the same 12-month period shall be subject to a fine of no more than two hundred dollars. A third or subsequent violation during the same 12-month period shall be subject to a fine of no more than five hundred dollars.
Street & Sidewalk Maintenance
Sidewalk Repair
Under Streets and Highways Code 5610, it is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the sidewalk around their property.
Sidewalk repairs must be completed by a licensed contractor. The contractor will need to obtain a City of Pinole business license as well as an encroachment permit.
Street Markings
The street markings around the City are repainted annually. Every year, the City repaints the markings on the streets to keep them visible to drivers. If you notice the Public Works crew working on the streets, please drive with caution.
Street Sweeping
Street sweeping takes place on odd months: January, March, May, July, September and November.
Please note that street sweeping will begin on the first full week of the sweep month.
If there are excess debris left on the street (i.e. car accident leaving behind shattered glass), please contact Public Works at (510) 724-9010 we will send our sweeper to clean the street.

Pavement Management
The City has a 2016 Pavement Management Report that recommends street maintenance by section for programming into the City’s Capital Improvement Program. The recommendations in the report are the result of a decision-making matrix that recognizes the City does not have enough resources to fund all desired road maintenance. The focus of repair is, therefore, on road sections that are in fair to good condition. This focus allows the City to maintain fair to good sections at a lower unit cost. The Metropolitan Transportation Committee provides guidance to the City through its pavement technical assistance program visit the www.mtc.ca.gov.
The City repairs potholes and irregularities in the paved surface of City streets on an “as needed” basis.
Street Sign Repair
The City repairs and replaces all City-owned street name and traffic safety signs.
If you see a sign that is missing, unreadable or in need of repair, please use the Report an Issue function or email us at pwservicerequests@pinole.gov.
Traffic Signal Repair
Traffic signals in the City of Pinole are maintained by the Contra Costa County Signal Maintenance Department. They assist the division in repair and maintenance of traffic signals throughout the City. If you see a problem with one of the traffic signals around Pinole, please use the Report an Issue function or email us at pwservicerequests@pinole.gov. For issues after hours, please contact the Pinole Police Department non-emergency line at (510) 724-1111. Please provide the following information:
- The location of the traffic signal along with the cross streets.
- The direction of the in which you were traveling when you observed the issue.
- The type of issue that was observed: flashing red, burn out, sensor failure, physical damage, or other issues
Streetlights are either maintained by the Department of Public Works, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, or privately.
To determine who maintains a specific streetlight please contact us at pwservicerequests@pinole.gov or use the report an issue button below:
Public Works is responsible for managing and maintaining several parks throughout the city. There are currently four community parks, five neighborhood parks, and three open public spaces.
The Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Division of the Public Works Department addresses vegetation management through an Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) process. The IVM uses mechanical, biological, and chemical activities to manage vegetation throughout the City.
The application of herbicides is designed to address undesirable vegetation growth as a fire prevention measure in the City’s parks, facilities, and right-of-ways. The herbicides used in the IVM have been selected to produce the desired result while keeping the public, employees, and the environment safe. The recommendations are created for the City by a licensed Pesticide Control Advisor and reviewed by the Contra Costa County Agricultural Department. All Public Works staff are trained annually in the safe application of all the herbicides that the Public Works uses on City property.
The Public Works Department is inspected annually by the CCC Agricultural Department for all regulatory compliance.
Following are the herbicides that we use (which are compliant with County Ag recommendations):
- Dimension 2EW
- Gallery SC
- Ranger Pro
- Vastlan
Community Parks
Neighborhood Parks
Open Public Spaces
Trees significantly enhance the overall beauty of the environment and raise the quality of life for all who live and work in the city. Proper pruning standards are encouraged to maximize the health and beauty of the tree and minimize potential problems. A tree takes many years to grow and only minutes to cut down. Removal is the last resort option, when no other reasonable alternative can correct a problem.
City-Owned Tree Maintenance
The City currently owns a few of the trees in Old Town Pinole as well as those on City-owned traffic medians and in all of the parks. The City tries to maintain and monitor the health and vigor of the trees in order to insure their wellbeing as well as the safety of the public.
A portion of these trees are pruned annually, and immediate attention is given when the public’s safety is an issue. If you see a City tree that is unsafe or damaged, or if you are uncertain whether the tree is the property of the City, please call the Public Works Department at (510) 724-9010.
Private Property Tree Maintenance
Residents are required to maintain any trees growing on their own property.
If a resident has a tree that extends into the sidewalk area, it may become an obstruction or a hazard to pedestrians who use the sidewalk. Therefore, we request that trees in front of private property are trimmed to allow a minimum clearance of 7 feet above the sidewalk. We also ask that residents allow a minimum clearance of 14 feet above the street. By doing so, the street sweeper will be able to proceed unhindered.
If a resident elects to remove a tree on private property, they must obtain the required permit from the Planning Department
If residents are trimming or removing trees on their property and the tree is adjacent to or rooted in Pinole Creek, a permit may be required from California Department of Fish and Wildlife. For Contra Costa County, you may call (707) 428-2002, or email AskBDR@wildlife.ca.gov.