
To ensure that the work done complies with the applicable codes and matches the scope of work, a variety of inspections are required for all issued Building Permits. Apart from this, the City also mandates inspections for businesses, residential rental units, and, in some cases, balconies.

Building Permits

Building Permits Inspection Program

A variety of inspections are required for all issued Construction Permits, in order to verify work done complies with applicable codes and the scope of work matches the issued Permit.

When is an Inspection Required?

All permits issued require an inspection during and/or at completion of the work. Scheduling inspections is the responsibility of the applicant / contractor. Depending on the type of project, the following inspections are required:

  • Foundation - after trenches are excavated, forms erected and steel is in place.
  • Underfloor - after the installation of underfloor framing, heating ducts and plumbing.
  • Underfloor Insulation - after the floor insulation is installed, but prior to installation of the subfloor.
  • Roof Nail - after installation and nailing of the roof sheathing.
  • Rough Frame - after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, siding, lath and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimneys, vents, rough electrical and plumbing are installed.
  • Insulation - after the wall and ceiling insulation is installed.
  • Drywall Nail - after the drywall is installed and prior to tape or texture.
  • Final – after finish grading and the building is completed and ready for occupancy.

Not all of the inspections listed above will apply to every job. If uncertain which inspections pertain, please check with the Building Inspection Division.

How Do I Schedule, Reschedule or Cancel an Inspection?

Schedule, reschedule or cancel an inspection either online using eTRAKiT, or by text message. If assistance is needed, the Community Development Department can be reached at 510-724-8912.

Inspections on eTRAKiT

Scheduling inspections
Login and start your request.
Find your project and start your request.

Under My Active Permits, select Request for the project you need an inspection for. If you don’t see this option in the Inspections column that probably means your permit is not yet approved.

Select the inspection type.

Pick the type of inspection you need from the list.

Select the date.

Select the date you want the inspection.

Submit your request.
  • Select Add Inspection. If you need more than 1 inspection, repeat the same process and select Add Inspection again.
  • Select Submit once you are ready to make your request.
Check for your inspection window, day of inspection.

  • Inspections are offered:
  • Monday – Thursday in the AMs (8:00 AM – 12:00 PM) and PMs (1:00 PM -3:30 PM)
  • Inspection requests are accepted for either an AM or PM window, but due to high permit volumes, we cannot guarantee the requested time.
  • On the day of inspection, visit eTRAKiTto check the assigned inspection window (AM or PM).

CANCELING inspections
Login and start your request.
Find your project and your scheduled appointment date.
  • Under My Active Permits,  locate the appointment you’d like to cancel.


Cancel your appointment.
  • Click the red X icon next to your scheduled appointment.
  • A confirmation dialogue box will appear.
  • Confirm by clicking OK, or terminate this step by clicking Cancel.
  • You are now done with the cancellation process.


Inspections by Text Message

  • Text the following to 866-473-3524:
    • “SCHEDULE” to schedule an inspection
    • “CANCEL” to cancel an inspection
    • “RESCHEDULE” to reschedule an inspection
  • Follow the prompts.
  • Inspection requests require 24-hour notice.
  • You’ll need your Building Permit Number.
  • Text “CANCEL” to 866-473-3524
  • Follow the prompts.
When are Inspections Available?
  • Morning (AM) inspections: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Afternoon (PM) inspections: Monday – Thursday, 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM
  • No inspections for construction projects on Fridays.
  • Inspection requests are accepted for either an AM or PM window, but due to high permit volumes, we cannot guarantee the requested time.
  • On the day of inspection, visit eTRAKiT to check the assigned inspection window (AM or PM).

What Should I Know Before Scheduling an Inspection?
  • You need to schedule inspections at least 24 hours in advance.
  • The cost of inspections are included in your permit fees. You do not need to pay again for inspections, unless there are excessive re-inspections requested. For each required inspection in a project, the City provides one initial inspection and one reinspection as part of the building permit fee. If a second reinspection is required—such as when previously noted corrections have not been made—a Re-inspection Fee will be charged. For the current Re-inspection Fee, please refer to the City’s Master Fee Schedule. To avoid additional fees, ensure all required corrections are completed before scheduling a reinspection. See the Re-Inspection Policy FAQ for more information.
  • If you don’t get inspections, your permit could be revoked and you may need to stop your project.
  • Paper copies of the approved plans, permits and the inspection card must be on the job site and available to the inspector at the time of inspection. 
  • Inspection cancellations must be made before 7:00 AM on the scheduled day of inspection. Cancellations made after this time will incur a missed inspection fee, as outlined in the City’s Master Fee Schedule. See the Inspection Cancelation/Missed Inspection Policy FAQ for more information. For the current missed inspection fee, please refer to the Pinole Master Fee Schedule. To cancel or reschedule an inspection, please visit the Building Permits Inspection Program.
  • Make sure you are ready for your inspection before you schedule it. This means:
    • You’ve completed the scope of work for that inspection type. Partial inspections may be approved for larger project scopes. Contact us if you have questions about this.
    • You have all the required special inspections, survey letters, or Engineer of Record (EOR) reports on site at the time of inspection.
    • There is access to the area of work, such as a secured ladder for a roof inspection.
    • See the How to Prepare for an Inspection FAQ for more information.

What Important Information Should I Know for Special Inspections?

Depending on the scope of work, some project may require special inspection and/or testing per Chapter 17 of the California Building Code (CBC). 

  • Before a permit can be issued: The owner, engineer, architect of record or owner’s agent must submit a Special Inspection and Testing Agreement including the structural tests and inspections schedule to the Division for review and approval.  
  • Before occupancy  permit  can be  issued:  The inspection agency shall submit a statement that all items requiring testing and inspection were fulfilled and reported. Those items not tested and/or inspected shall be noted in this statement. A copy of the statement to be maintained at the job site for Building Inspector’s review prior to final inspections. 
How to prepare for an inspection

To ensure a smooth and efficient inspection process, contractors and homeowners are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. General Requirements:
  • Approved Plans and Permits: Ensure that all approved plans (as applicable), permits, and manufacturers’ installation instructions are on-site and accessible during the inspection.
  • Site Readiness: Ensure all work is complete and the site is fully prepared for the scheduled inspection. If the site is not ready, you must cancel the inspection before 7:00 AM on the inspection day to avoid a missed inspection fee. Additionally, if corrections from a prior inspection have not been made, a Re-inspection Fee will apply for a second reinspection.
  1. Roof Access for Solar and Roofing Inspections:
  • Ladder Specifications:
    • Safety Compliance: Provide a ladder that meets Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, ensuring it is safe, substantial, and free of defects.
    • Weight Rating: The ladder must support a minimum of 250 pounds.
    • Extension Above Roof: The ladder should extend at least 3 feet above the roof edge to provide secure access.
    • Securing the Ladder: Ensure the ladder is firmly secured at the top to prevent movement during use.
  • Placement:
    • Proximity to Inspection Area: Position the ladder close to the area requiring inspection to facilitate easy access.
    • Avoiding Damage: Place the ladder to prevent any damage to the building structure, roof, or gutters.
  1. Additional Considerations:
  • Equipment Accessibility: Ensure all system components, such as inverters, disconnects, and junction boxes, are accessible and ready for inspection.
  • Compliance with Codes: Verify that the installation complies with all applicable building and electrical codes, as well as manufacturer specifications.
  • Presence of Knowledgeable Personnel: Have a qualified individual on-site during the inspection who is familiar with the project and can address any questions or concerns from the inspector.

Failure to meet these requirements may result in the inspection being rescheduled and could incur additional fees. For detailed information on inspection procedures and requirements, please refer to the City’s Building Inspection Processes.

By following these guidelines, contractors and homeowners can help facilitate a timely and successful inspection process.

How do I Receive Inspection Results?

Inspection results are available either online using eTRAKiT, or by text message. If assistance is needed, the Community Development Department can be reached at 510-724-8912.

View results on eTRAKiT

You may log in to your eTRAKiT account to view your inspection results.

Learn results by text message
  • Text “RESULTS” to 866-473-3524
  • You’ll need your Building Permit Number.
  • You’ll need the associated Inspection Code of the inspection you are calling to obtain results. Full list of codes are provided in the instruction document.
Inspection Cancelation/Missed Inspection Policy

General inspection cancellations must be made before 7:00 AM on the scheduled day of inspection. Cancellations made after this time in addition to inspections scheduled with no responsible person on site during the inspection window will incur a missed inspection fee, as outlined in the City’s Master Fee Schedule. For the current missed inspection fee, please refer to the Pinole Master Fee Schedule. To cancel or reschedule an inspection, please visit the Building Permits Inspection Program.

Re-Inspections Policy

For each required inspection in a project, the City provides one initial inspection and one reinspection as part of the building permit fee. If a second reinspection is required—such as when previously noted corrections have not been made—a Re-inspection Fee will be charged.

For the current Re-inspection Fee, please refer to the City’s Master Fee Schedule: Pinole Master Fee Schedule

To avoid additional fees, ensure all required corrections are completed before scheduling a reinspection.

Residential Health & Safety Rental

Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Program

Chapter 8.30 of the Pinole Municipal Code requires that rental units in the City be inspected to meet habitability and safety standards. The intent is to ensure that rental stock is maintained and compliant with City Codes.


General requirements

Every owner carrying on the business of operating rental units in the City is subject to the Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Program. A valid Certificate of Compliance and Business License must be issued prior to renting unit. The  Rental Inspection Ordinance was originally adopted by Pinole City Council on April 4, 2006, modified on October 16, 2007, and is incorporated into Chapter 8.30 of Title 8, “Health & Safety,” of the Pinole Municipal Code.  


All owners of rental units located within the City are required to to allow the City to inspect their apartment, house or hotel, as well as the property on which your unit is located. You will receive prior notice from the city before the inspection takes place. Each unit will be inspected once every three (3) years to ensure compliance with all applicable City ordinances or other laws relating to housing, including the substandard housing provisions of the Housing Code contained in Chapter 15.22 of of the Pinole Municipal Code.


If you are the owner of a rental property in the City of Pinole, a business license must also be obtained for each property used for rental purposes.


If you’re applying for a new Certificate of Compliance or if your current one has expired, please follow these steps to obtain or renew your business license:

  1. Apply for a Certificate of Compliance: Submit an application to the Building Official for each rental unit. This certificate is mandatory before applying for a business license.
  2. Schedule and Complete an Inspection: Once your application is submitted, arrange for an inspection of your rental unit(s) to ensure compliance with health and safety standards. Inspections are currently offered on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  3. Obtain the Certificate of Compliance: After a successful inspection, you’ll receive a Certificate of Compliance, valid for three years.
  4. Apply for a Business License: With a valid Certificate of Compliance, you can now apply for a business license for each rental property. Business licenses are issued on a calendar year basis and must be renewed annually.
  5. Renew Annually: Ensure you renew your business license each year before it expires on December 31st. If your Certificate of Compliance is still valid, you can proceed directly to the business license renewal without needing a new inspection.

By following these steps, you will maintain compliance with the City of Pinole’s requirements for rental property operations.


Obtain an Initial Certificate of Compliance (if you’ve never applied for a rental license before)

All rental property owners must file an application with the Building Official and obtain a valid Certificate of Compliance for each rental unit before applying for a business license. Business licenses must be renewed annually after the initial issuance.

A Certificate of Compliance is valid for three years. If your Certificate of Compliance has not expired, you are not required to pay for or schedule an inspection until it does. In the meantime, you may proceed with renewing your business license.

If you are applying for brand new Certificate of Compliance please follow these instructions in order to obtain a new business license:

  1. Pay all applicable inspection fees
  2. Apply for a Certificate of Compliance online: Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Application Form 
  3. Book an appointment for an inspection online, through our self-service booking page. Inspections are typically offered on Fridays from 8am-3pm, however, for two months, in April and May of 2025 inspections will be offered Mondays through Thursdays from 8am-4pm. We will open the month of June for additional inspections if necessary.
Obtain a Renewed Certificate of Compliance (if you’ve applied in the past and your Certificate of Compliance is expired)

All rental property owners must file an application with the Building Official and obtain a valid Certificate of Compliance for each rental unit before applying for a business license. Business licenses must be renewed annually after the initial issuance.

A Certificate of Compliance is valid for three years. If your Certificate of Compliance has not expired, you are not required to pay for or schedule an inspection until it does. In the meantime, you may proceed with renewing your business license.

If your Certificate of Compliance is expired, please follow these instructions in order to renew your existing business license:

  1. Pay all applicable inspection fees
  2. Apply for a Certificate of Compliance online: Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Application Form 
  3. Book an appointment for an inspection online, through our self-service booking page. Inspections are typically offered on Fridays from 8am-3pm, for two months, in April and May of 2025 inspections will be offered Mondays through Thursdays from 8am-4pm. We will open the month of June for additional inspections if necessary.
Initial Inspection

When a complete application and all applicable fees are pay, units will be inspected by the Building Division. If no correction items are identified, a Certificate of Compliance will be issued.

View the Rental Inspection Checklist list for information on what to expect during your inspection.

Correction Items

If correction items are identified the owner will be required to secure any and all required permits (e.g., building permits) to correct deficiencies. Learn about Building Permits.

Units with Balconies

For units with a balcony, or balcony structure, an additional and separate process is required, see Balcony Inspection Program requirements above.

Business License

A Business License must be obtained for each property used for rental purposes. A valid Certificate of Compliance is required prior to making application for a Business License. Learn more about Business Licenses.


Base Fee (covers initial inspection and first re-inspection)
  • Single Family Unit, Duplex Unit, or Triplex Unit: $387 per unit. Note when paying online using Stripe, additional processing fee is included in total fee amount.  
  • Multi-Family Unit Including Hotel/Motel Unit: $242 per unit. Note when paying online using Stripe, additional processing fee is included in total fee amount.  

Re-inspection Fee (only applicable if required)
  • 2nd Re-inspection: 20% of initial fee 
  • 3rd Re-inspection: 30% of initial fee 
  • 4th Re-inspection: 40% of initial fee


What is the Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Program?

The Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Program ensures that all rental units in the City of Pinole comply with city ordinances and health and safety standards. It requires a valid Certificate of Compliance and Business License to be issued before renting a unit.

What is the Rental Inspection Ordinance?

The Rental Inspection Ordinance, Ord. No. 2006-01, was adopted by the Pinole City Council on April 4, 2006. It is incorporated into Chapter 8.30 of Title 8, “Health & Safety,” of the Pinole Municipal Code.

How often are rental properties inspected?

Rental properties are inspected once every three years to ensure they comply with city ordinances and housing laws.

What are the requirements for rental property owners?

Every owner of rental property in the City must obtain a valid Certificate of Compliance and a Business License for each rental unit. Additionally, rental properties must be inspected every three years to ensure compliance with applicable city ordinances and housing laws.

What is the rental program inspection cancellation policy?

Inspection cancellations for Rental Units must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice will incur a cancellation fee of one hundred and two dollars and twenty-five cents ($102.25) per inspection per cancelled unit. The fee is set by Pinole Municipal Code Section 8.30.115.

Where can I find more information about obtaining a business license for rental properties?

You can view Business License Information on the City of Pinole’s website.

Are there any exemptions from the Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Program?

Yes, the following units are exempt:

  • Owner or manager-occupied rental units.
  • Units owned, operated, or managed by a government agency other than the City, or exempt from municipal regulation by state or federal law.
  • Units that are unavailable for rent.
  • Residential facilities serving six or fewer persons as defined in the California Health and Safety Code Section 1566.3.
How can I apply for an exemption from the program?

To apply for an exemption, submit your Rental Inspection Exemption Form to


Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Building Official Keith Marks at or (510) 724 – 9016


Balcony Inspection Program

All balconies located on real property in the City of Pinole including but not limited to residential, multiple residential, commercial and industrial properties shall be inspected at the property owner’s expense when a triggering event occurs.

Balcony Inspection Applicability

All balconies located on real property in the City of Pinole including but not limited to residential, multiple residential, commercial and industrial properties shall be inspected at the property owner’s expense when a triggering event occurs.

Balcony Inspection Triggering Events

The following are triggering events that require all balconies located on real property in the City of Pinole including but not limited to residential, multiple residential, commercial and industrial properties to be inspected as required in PMC Chapter 8.36 and at the property owner’s expense:

  • The application for a certificate of occupancy for a new building.
  • transfer of property ownership.
  • In a probate or other testamentary proceeding or in the event of a transfer pursuant to the terms of joint tenancy termination, tenants in common termination, or other similar instrument, within one hundred eighty (180) days after the sale, transfer or conveyance of the house, building or property.

Balcony Inspection Procedures

Upon a triggering event, the property owner shall, at their own expense, cause all applicable balconies to be inspection pursuant to PMC Chapter 8.36.

The inspection shall be conducted by a licensed general contractor, structural pest control licensee, licensed architect, or licensed engineer qualified to inspect and identify deficiencies in the structural integrity of balconies. The licensed professional must have both a City of Pinole business license and a license in the applicable trade from State of California.

An inspection shall be valid for a period of six (6) months from the date of the inspection. If a property owner fails to obtain a certificate of compliance within six (6) months after obtaining an inspection, the Community Development Department may, in its discretion, require the property owner verify the condition of the inspected balcony is unchanged before issuing a certificate of compliance.

Complete and Submit the form

Submit a Balcony Compliance Affidavit and a comprehensive, detailed report of the balcony inspection including photographs to


The City shall review the final submitted inspection for compliance with PMC Chapter 8.36. Please allow for 2 weeks of staff review time for this step.

Violation and Repairs

If the Building Official determines that a balcony is in a defective condition, the City shall provide a written notice of violation. The property owner shall then make appropriate application for any required repairs, and proceed with the permit/inspection process. Upon completion of repairs to or replacement of the balcony, the property owner shall verify to the City that the repairs or replacement have been properly completed.



When all conditions are met to the satisfaction of the City, the building balcony shall be certified as complying with the provisions of the Pinole Municipal Code. The City shall thereupon issue a certificate of compliance to the property owner, noting that the balcony has been inspected and meets the requirements of the City. A copy of the certificate of compliance will be kept by the City as record for the inspected property.

Once a certificate of compliance is issued, the building balcony for which the certificate of compliance is issued shall not require testing for a period of five (5) years from the date of issuance of the certificate of compliance subject to PMC Section 8.36.030. The certificate of compliance shall not imply a warranty or guarantee of any kind. 

Balcony Inspection FAQ’s

When did this become a requirement?

June 20, 2017 City Council adopted the Balcony Inspection for Real Property Sales ordinance which is codified in Pinole Municipal Code Chapter 8.36 for detailed information.

How often are inspections required?

Once a certificate of compliance is issued, the building balcony for which the certificate of compliance is issued shall not require testing for a period of five (5) years from the date of issuance of the certificated of compliance.

What is a “balcony”?

A balcony is a horizontal platform extending from the exterior wall of a building, accessible from the building’s interior, and not directly accessible from the ground. A balcony is typically not covered by a roof or building overhang or enclosed on more than two (2) sides by walls. However, railings shall not be considered enclosures. The definition of balcony does not include “decks”.

What is a “certificate of compliance”?

A certificate of compliance is a written certificate issued to a property owner by the Community Development Director or his/her designee certifying that an inspection of the property owner’s balcony occurred and the balcony was deemed structurally sound and complies with all standards established by the city.

Who are considered “licensed professionals”?

• Licensed general contractors
• Licensed (branch 3) structural pest control operators
• Licensed architects
• Licensed civil engineers and licensed structural engineers
• All must have current and clear licensure in the State of California.

Does the balcony inspection program hold up the closing of escrow?

No, but the written Certificate of Compliance must be issued within ninety (90) days of close of escrow.

Do I need a permit to repair my balcony?

This depends on the nature of the repairs.

Permits are not required for ordinary repairs to structures performed for the purpose of maintenance. The repair work is limited to work on the affected item and does not include reframing, replacement or any other alteration or new work.

Permits are required for any code regulated activities, including but not limited to the following: cutting, notching or replacement of any structural framing elements or structural supports; replacement of membranes; guardrail replacement; installation of ventilation openings; and similar activities.

What is the fee to receive the Certificate of Compliance?

The Certificate of Compliance fee is listed in the Master Fee Schedule under “Rental & Balcony Inspection Fees.”

Contact Information

Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Building Official Keith Marks at or (510) 724 – 9016

Business License

Business License Inspections

Building and Fire Inspection are typically required prior to issuance of a business license. Please schedule appointments by contacting the Pinole Building Division and Contra Costa Fire Protection District (ConFire) using the instructions below.


To schedule a Building Division inspection for a business license:  

Pay all applicable inspection fees

Book an appointment for an inspection online.

Inspections are currently offered every other Friday from 8am-3pm. Book an appointment for an inspection online, through our self-service booking page


To schedule a ConFire inspection for a business license:  

Determine if an inspection is required.

To determine if a Fire Life/Safety inspection with the Contra Costa Fire Prevention District is required, complete the ConFire Business License Application form.

Submit the form with your Business License application.

Include the completed form in your application for a Business License to the Pinole Finance Department. Learn more about applying for a Business License.

If an inspection is required, we will be in contact.

If an inspection is required, the City’s Finance Department will provide you with an Inspection Application, which is to be completed and remitted directly to ConFire per instructions on the form.