Half Cent Sales Tax Measure On 2024 Ballot
City News
- July 18, 2024

Council votes to place a 1/2 cent sales tax measure on the November ballot
Council unanimously voted to put a half cent sales tax measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot to be considered by voters. If passed, the measure would raise approximately $2.5 million dollars annually. The proposed tax is a general tax that would be used to offset a projected growing deficit in order to fund critical City services and basic maintenance. Finance Director Guillory explained that priorities identified by residents for new funding included:
- Maintaining 911 emergency response times
- Keeping public areas and parks healthy, safe and clean
- Maintaining fire protection and response
- Maintaining crime prevention programs
- Providing clean water
Sales tax is paid not just by Pinole residents, but also visitors who purchase goods and services in Pinole. Essential purchases like groceries and medicine are exempt from sales tax. The City will be conducting outreach and education pertaining to the measure in the next coming months.