
Permitting fees are adjusted annually. Current permitting fees are based on the Master Fee Schedule.

A permit is not valid until the required fees have been paid. In addition, outside permitting agencies may require collection of fees prior to permit issuance.

Chapter 3.20 of the Pinole Municipal Code imposes development impact fees, available in the Master Fee Schedule, on development projects to mitigate the impacts caused by new development on public services, infrastructure and facilities. Learn more about development impact fees.


The West Contra Costa Unified School District collects school facilities development fees for new residential, commercial and industrial construction, resulting in new assessable area. Prior to the issuance of any building permit involving development of new assessable area, the City requires proof of School District review and, when applicable, a certificate of payment issued by the District to confirm that required District development fees have been paid.

For questions about the school facilities development fees, please visit their website, contact them by phone: (510) 307-4540 or visit their office at 1400 Marina Way South in Richmond, CA 94804.

Some properties in Pinole are located in the WCWD. All sewer system and sewer lateral connections, installations, repairs, or replacements in the West County Wastewater District require a permit from WCWD before work can begin. The process and fees to obtain a permit varies depending on the type of customer. To apply for a permit or learn more about the process, visit the WCWD’s sewer webpage.

Have a question? Email permits@wcwd.org or call (510) 222-6700.

Contact ConFire for payment of any fire fees.

To initiate the permitting process you must submit an application and all required fees directly to ConFire. You can submit and make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First determine and complete the applicable forms required
  2. Next, calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email permittech@cccfpd.org.
  3. To submit application and fees you may use their portal, mail in application and payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).
  4. For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email info@cccfpd.org.


STMP fees are collected by the City of Pinole on behalf of the West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee (WCCTAC). STMP fees are updated annually and available online.