Communication & Engagement
The City of Pinole is committed to enhancing communication and fostering connections within the community. The City values two-way communication and works to ensure that residents’ concerns and voices are readily heard and addressed. We encourage residents to reach out and connect with us through one or more channels that are available.

Fiona Epps
Assistant to the City Manager, Public Information Officer
Communication & Engagement Plan
In October of 2022, the City Council approved a Communication & Engagement Plan after gathering feedback through a virtual community workshop the month prior. The Plan provides a framework to strengthen the City’s communication efforts and help City Hall more effectively reach and engage residents through a series of recommendations centered around:
- Planning
- Website
- Social Media
- Branding
- Newsletter
- Policies and Procedures
- Crisis Management
- Media Relations
- Language Access
- Residents Academy
- Metrics
The City Manager’s office is responsible for managing and executing the Plan. The Assistant to the City Manager serves as the point person for City-wide communications. Questions about communication and engagement and/or the Communication and Engagement Plan can be directed to Fiona Epps.
Communication Policies
Coming soon! Drafts are currently under review by the City Manager.
Media Inquiries
Direct media inquiries to Fiona Epps, Assistant to the City Manager, PIO (510) 724-9830 or .