Meeting Agendas

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Meeting Procedures

Meeting Procedures

City Council Meetings

The City Council holds regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the City Hall, 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, at 6:00 p.m. City Council business immediately follows the conclusion of Closed Session items.

The Council encourages expression of views and opinions by citizens on any matter of community interest that is within the Council’s authority. Comments during public hearings, written and oral communications, are all appropriate methods of expressing views.

Citizens wishing to address the Council on any matter not on the Agenda may do so under Citizens To Be Heard.

Citizens may request items to be placed on the agenda by making a request under Citizens To Be Heard or by submission in writing, sent to the attention of the City Clerk’s Office. The request will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration, and requires receipt of a majority vote of the Council to add the item to a future meeting.

Who are your Representatives?
See Political Representation.

Meeting Agendas

  • Consent Calendar:
    All matters listed under this section are considered to be routine and will be acted upon by one motion. There is no discussion of individual items on the Consent Calendar unless requested by a member of the Council or the public prior to the Council vote on this section of the agenda.
  • Citizens to be Heard:
    This is a point in the Council meeting where anyone in the audience may communicate with the Council about matters that are not on the agenda. Speakers will be limited to three minutes and should submit their name to the City Clerk.
    As it is not legal for the Council to discuss any matter not on its agenda, any issue brought up under Citizens to be Heard will typically be referred to staff or an advisory body and may come back to the Council as a regular agenda item.
  • Public Hearings:
    Persons who wish to speak on matters set for public hearing will be heard when the Mayor calls for comments from the audience in support or opposition to an issue. Time Limit is three minutes. After all interested parties have spoken, the hearing will be closed and the matter will be discussed and acted upon the Council. No further comment is permitted from the audience at this time, unless invited by the Council.

Public Meeting Procedures

  • Quorum:
    At least three Council members must be present in order to conduct a City Council meeting.
  • Ordinance:
    An ordinance is a legislative act, a local law. It normally requires two readings at separate Council meetings and becomes effective thirty days after the second reading is approved by Council. It may be repeated only by another ordinance.
  • Resolution:
    The Council adopts resolutions to approve a policy or direct certain action. Only one reading is required and it can be changed by a subsequent resolution.
  • Motion:
    A motion is used to signify majority approval of procedural action or authorize action on routine items of business. A motion may also direct City staff regarding administrative matters.
  • Referral:
    If the Council thinks more information is needed on an item, it may refer that item to City staff or an advisory commission, board or committee for review and recommendation.
  • Study Session:
    At study sessions, the Council conducts informal and typically more-in-depth discussion of specific issues. Study sessions are public meetings, however, no official action may be taken by the Council at a study session.
  • Closed Session:
    The Council may hold a closed session to discuss specific litigation or personnel matters. These are the only sessions that may be closed to the public and press for confidentiality reasons. Closed sessions are generally scheduled as the first items on the City council agenda at 6:00 p.m.

Public Meeting Schedule