Building Project Types

Below is a list of common projects. Click on the project you are interested in to find out which permit you need in eTRAKiT and what documents are required.

An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a great way to add affordable housing to our community. ADUs come in many shapes and forms and can be as simple as converting an existing habitable room or garage to a junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU). They can be attached to a house as a converted crawlspace or a newly constructed addition. The planning division conducts concurrent ADU building permit plan check and a separate Planning application is not required. To obtain size, parking requirements, setback information, etc. refer to Pinole Municipal Code Chapter 17.70, and ADU and JADU Development Standards Handout.

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.  If the sewer lateral is found to be defective, the property owner will be required to repair the lateral prior to connecting the ADU to the existing sewer lateral. If constructing a detached ADU, please note that the inspection is required along with the submission of a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to install a new sewer lateral from the ADU to the existing sewer lateral.  More information can be found on the Public Works webpage or by calling staff at (510) 741-2065.

eTRAKiT Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Accessory Dwelling Unit

eTRAKiT Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the ADU is Attached, Detached, or a Junior ADU.

  • An ADU is a dwelling unit on the same parcel as a primary single-family or multifamily dwelling containing complete independent living facilities including permanent facilities for sleeping, living, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
  • A JADU is a dwelling unit contained entirely within a single-family residence and is no greater than 500 square feet. Sanitation facilities may be provided in the unit or shared with the residence.

If you are converting a detached garage to an ADU select ADU Detached. For interior living space conversions and attached garage conversions, the subtype will either be an ADU Attached or a Junior ADU, depending on size and if it will have cooking or bathing facilities. Please contact the Planning Division at if you have questions about which subtype to select.

  • ADU Attached
  • ADU Detached
  • Junior ADU

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Complete set of plans, including:
    • Cover Sheet, Index and Site Plan. Site plan shows all structures on the property, property lines, proposed location for the ADU or JADU and setbacks from property lines.
    • Floor plans showing all electrical, plumbing, and mechanical for each level.
    • Foundation plan if applicable.
    • Elevation views of exterior.
    • Framing for floor, walls, roof (include sections with details).
    • Structural Calculations if applicable
  • Title 24 Documentation
  • A completed, notarized ADU Development Restriction Form
  • A completed Address Assignment Application
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above.
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

You need a building permit if you are building a structure that is separate from your house, like:

  • Garages and carports (detached and attached)
  • Detached buildings, like a home office, workshop or studio
  • Storage buildings
  • Large play houses

Residential accessory structures are subject to zoning requirements for lot coverage and setback requirements. Some accessory structures don’t need permits, like sheds or playhouses. To be exempt from permits, they need to be:

  • 1-story
  • Less than 7 feet in height
  • Detached
  • The floor area is less than 120 square feet

If your structure has a cooking and sleeping area, you may need an Accessory Dwelling Unit permit instead.

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a private sewer lateral permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Accessory Structure.

eTRAKiT Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your options are:

  • Detached Structure- No Utilities
  • Detached Structure- With Utilities

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Complete set of plans, including:
    • Cover Sheet and Index
    • Site plan showing all structures on the property, property lines, proposed location for the accessory structure which includes setbacks from property lines and adjoining structures.
    • Floor plans showing any electrical, plumbing, or mechanical to be installed.
    • Foundation plan, if applicable
    • Elevation views of exterior
    • Framing for floor, walls, roof (include sections with details)
    • Structural details to include framing, hangers, attachments, drywall if installed, etc
  • Structural Calculations, if applicable.
  • Geotechnical Report, if applicable (i.e., for structures subject to a surcharge)
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above.
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

eTRAKiT Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Cell Site

eTRAKiT Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your options are:

  • Modification or replacement
  • New

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Complete set of plans, including:
    • Cover Sheet and Index
    • Site plan showing all structures on the property, property lines, proposed location for the accessory structure which includes setbacks from property lines and adjoining structures.
    • Floor plans showing any electrical, plumbing, or mechanical to be installed.
    • Foundation plan, if applicable
    • Elevation views of exterior
    • Framing for floor, walls, roof (include sections with details)
    • Structural details to include framing, hangers, attachments, drywall if installed, etc
    • Complete set of plans
    • Radiofrequency – Electromagnetic Energy Compliance Report (RF-EME Report)
    • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
    • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above.
    • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
    • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)


Are you planning improvements or modifications to existing commercial facilities? Structural additions that change the exterior of the building require Design Review from the Planning Division. New signage requires a planning-level Sign Permit for evaluation of the design followed by a Building Permit for building code compliance review and the installation. Planning approval should be granted before applying for a building permit.

Commercial renovation projects that involve a change in use may require a Conditional Use Permit first. To discuss your project with a planner, contact

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Types and Associated Subtypes

  • eTRAKiT Type: CMU Wall
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Over 6 feet
      • Under 6 feet
  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Pool and Spa
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • New
      • Repair or replacement
  • eTRAKiT Type: Sign
    • Associated Subtypes: 
      • Building mounted and freestanding
      • Building mounted only
      • Freestanding only
  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Tenant Improvement or Addition
    • Associated Subtypes: 
      • Tenant improvement and addition – all other
      • Tenant improvement and addition – food establishments
      • Tenant improvement only – all other
      • Tenant improvement only – food establishments
  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Trash Enclosure
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Alteration
      • New

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Complete set of plans, including:
    • Cover Sheet and Index
    • Overall Site Plan / Floor plan to show location of work
    • Existing and Proposed Floor Plans
    • Existing and Proposed Elevations
    • Interior Elevations
    • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
    • Accessibility Drawings (ADA Parking, Path of Travel, ADA Bathroom, etc)
    • RCP and Electrical Plans of remodeled areas
    • Structural drawings and calculations
    • Mechanical Drawings
    • Plumbing Drawings
  • Title 24 Nonresidential Energy Compliance Forms
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above and note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects.
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Fire Review May be Required

Commercial Tenant Improvements and new Trash Enclosures require Fire Review During plan review, if it is determined that fire review is required, your plans will be routed to the Contra Costa Fire Department (ConFire) for a life/safety plan check, and you will be informed by email that you need to initiate payment separately to ConFire.  ConFire will not begin their plan check until all required plan check fees are collected directly by ConFire. You can make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  2. To submit fees you may use their portal, mail in payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).
  3. For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

Separate Fire Permit May Be Required

Additionally, your project may require a separate permit from ConFire if it involves project components that need to be individually permitted, such as a fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, and deferred submittals. To initiate the permitting process you must submit an application and all required fees directly to ConFire. You can submit and make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First determine and complete the applicable forms required
  2. Next, calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  3. To submit application and fees you may use their portal, mail in application and payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).

For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

If you want to build a new commercial building, you need approval of a Design Review application from the Planning Division. Once you have approval, you may apply for a building permit.

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Commercial (new construction)

eTRAKiT  SubType. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your option is:

  • Commercial new shell building

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Complete set of plans, including:
    • Cover Sheet and Index
    • Overall Site Plan / Floor plan to show location of work
    • Existing and Proposed Floor Plans
    • Existing and Proposed Elevations
    • Interior Elevations
    • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
    • Accessibility Drawings (ADA Parking, Path of Travel, ADA Bathroom, etc)
    • RCP and Electrical Plans of remodeled areas
    • Structural drawings and calculations
    • Mechanical Drawings
  • Plumbing Drawings
  • Structural calculations
  • Title 24 energy report
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Fire Review Required

Fire review is required for all new commercial buildings. During plan review, if it is determined that fire review is required, your plans will be routed to the Contra Costa Fire Department (ConFire) for a life/safety plan check, and you will be informed by email that you need to initiate payment separately to ConFire. ConFire will not begin their plan check until all required plan check fees are collected directly by ConFire. You can make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  2. To submit fees you may use their portal, mail in payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).
  3. For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

Separate Fire Permit May Be Required

Additionally, your project may require a separate permit from ConFire if it involves project components that need to be individually permitted, such as a fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, and deferred submittals. To initiate the permitting process you must submit an application and all required fees directly to ConFire. You can submit and make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First determine and complete the applicable forms required
  2. Next, calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  3. To submit application and fees you may use their portal, mail in application and payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).
  4. For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

The City will not issue a Building Permit until approval from ConFire has been received.

Other Permits May Be Required

Depending on the nature of your project, you may need to get other permits, like:

  • Solar PV systems
  • Temporary Power Pole/Back-up Power (a subtype of Residential Electrical Permit Type)
  • A Public Works Encroachment Permit may be required for the following, including but not limited to: driveway approaches (curb cuts), sidewalks, work in city easements, concrete flatwork, temporary storage containers, debris boxes, landscaping adjacent to the sidewalk, etc.
  • Public Works Private Sewer Lateral Permits are required for sewer lateral video reviews, installation of new sewer lateral, replacement and/or repairs to sewer lateral. Please note that this may be required to apply for most building applications.
  • Temporary Construction Trailer
  • Demolition

Please reach out to the Planning Division ( and Public Works Department ( early in project development to avoid delays and/or penalties.

A Building Permit is required for new or renovated decks greater than one hundred (100) square feet in area, taller than thirty (30) inches above grade, or attached to your home. This permit also applies to balconies, if it is a stand-alone project and not part of a window or larger remodel project.

Deck projects and installation of patio covers generally do not require planning permits. However, they may be required to meet standards in the Zoning Code which will be verified by a planner during building permit review. To ensure a streamlined approach, contact to discuss your project prior to submitting a Building Permit application.

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Deck/Patio Cover

eTRAKiT Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your options are:

  • Addition
  • New
  • Replacement
  • Replacement and addition

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Complete set of plans, including:
    • Cover Sheet and Index
    • Overall Site Plan. Site plans must be drawn to scale with job address, owners’ name, lot dimensions, setback distances from property lines, and to other structures.  Show location of all existing structures.  Provide a north arrow.
    • Foundation: Provide details on size, depth and location of post footings (12ʺ minimum depth).
    • Existing and Proposed Framing Plans. If the deck is to be attached to the residence, show size of ledger board, size of lag bolts, and spacing of lag bolts.  Show dimensions of all lumber, spacing of posts, and spacing of girders and joists.  If the deck is more than thirty inches above grade, a guardrail must be provided.  The guardrail must be a minimum of thirty‐six (36) inches high. If stairs are needed and there are four or more risers a handrail will be required.  It must be 34ʺ to 38ʺ measured from the nose of the tread.   If rails are to be used on either the guardrail or handrail they must be constructed so that a four‐inch sphere cannot pass through them.  Show details of all framing, guardrails, handrails and bracing.
    • Existing and Proposed Elevations
    • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
  • Structural drawings and calculations
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

A Building Permit is not required to repair or replace a driveway, as long as the driveway is not more than 30 inches above adjacent grade, and not over any basement or story below and is not part of an accessible route. If you are doing any other work, including electrical, plumbing or mechanical, or constructing any structures, please contact the Building Division ( to ensure that no Building Permits are required for your project prior to proceeding.

An Encroachment Permit is required for any construction activity work in the public right-of-way. This includes, but is not limited to, concrete flatwork (including driveway), roadway excavation, sidewalk excavation, storing/staging materials, and/or traffic control. An Encroachment Permit ensures that all applicable standards are followed and that work is done safely with minimal impact to nearby property, pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorist travel. Learn more about obtaining an Encroachment Permit by visiting the Public Works permitting webpage.

Important Note: Did you know that your property might not start at the sidewalk, and that the City’s right-of-way may extend into a portion of your front yard area? Before installing a new driveway, fence, or wall on your property, please take a moment to verify your property lines. Ensuring accurate boundaries helps avoid potential property line disputes and prevent costly adjustments that may be required in the future. We recommend consulting your property survey, contacting a professional surveyor, or contacting the Public Works Department ( to confirm the location of your property lines. You view approximate property lines online. Taking these steps will ensure your future project is placed correctly and legally, providing peace of mind for years to come. Thank you for your attention to this important detail!

You need an electrical building permit if you are doing electrical work, like rewiring, repairing, or installing an electrical circuit.

If the scope of your project is limited to residential replacement in-kind (like-for-like) electrical work, you may consider using the Express Permit type which provides expedited approvals for the following residential like-for-like electrical subtypes:

  • Electric Service Panel Change Out
  • Photovoltaic Reinstall

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Types and Associated Subtypes

  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Electrical
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Alteration and/or repair
      • Service panel upgrade
      • Temporary Power Pole
  • eTRAKiT Type: Residential Electrical.
    • Please note that this type is for standard electrical permitting. If you are interested in applying for express residential electrical permitting for replacement in-kind work visit the Express Permit section.
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Complete rewire
      • Fixture replacement
      • New fixtures
      • Service panel upgrade
      • Subpanel replace/relocate
      •  Residential Backup power
      •  Temporary Power Pole

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

If you want to install a charger for an electric vehicle, you need a permit. Electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) must be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions and in accordance with the 2022 California Electrical Code (CEC) based on the National Electric Code (NEC). Wiring methods in Chapter 3 of the CEC must be applied to each installation. The EVCS must be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL). NOTE: This applies to EVCS equipment and receptacle outlets intended for use with cord and plug type vehicle charging systems (example: Tesla, etc.).

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station

eTRAKiT Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your options are:

  • Commercial
  • Multi family dwelling
  • Single family dwelling or duplex

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Plan set that includes:
    • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for reviewer notes
    • Site plan with property lines, driveway, garage, or parking space, proposed charging location, electric service, conduit location and disconnects.
    • Manufacturer’s specifications, including the size of the charging station and installation guidelines.
    • Existing main electrical service panel rating, subpanel ratings, proposed charging load and calculations for stations over220 volts and or 40 amps.
  • A single line diagram must be included in the submittal with the following information:
    • Conductor types and sizes
    • Size of the circuit breaker supplying the EVCS
    • Size of the main electrical panel, sub panels and disconnects
    • The type of the charging station (Level 1, 2, or 3)
    • Electrical load calculation sheet: provide the size of the existing electrical panel, existing load on the service panel, and the proposed load/circuits from the electric vehicle charging system to determine if there is adequate capacity in the existing panel.
  • Completed EV Charging Checklist
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Residential Like-for-Like Express Permits are available for limited types of like-for-like (replacement in kind) residential work and involve a very short turnaround time. With the exception of Instant Residential Solar and ESS Permits, which are issued instantly, Residential Like-for-Like Express Permits are types that will be issued in 2-3 business days from application.

eTRAKiT Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Residential Like-for-Like Express Permit

eTRAKiT Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your options are:

  • Air Conditioner – Condenser
  • Electric Service Panel Change Out
  • Forced Air Unit
  • HVAC – Package Unit
  • HVAC – Split System/Heat Pump
  • Photovoltaic Reinstall
  • Reroof
  • Wall or Floor Furnace
  • Water Heater – Tank
  • Water Heater – Tankless
  • Water Line

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Title 24 Energy Report (required only for the following subtypes: Air Conditioner – Condenser, Forced Air Unit, HVAC – Package Unit or HVAC – Split System/Heat Pump)
  • When applying, please provide the following information as applicable in the application online:
    • For AC Condenser: Condenser size (tonnage)
    • For Wall Heater: Type and number of BTUs
    • For Water Line Replacement: Existing and new pipe size, and type of material
    • For Reroof: Type of material and total square footage
  • For reroofs if HOA approval is required, a Letter of Approval must be submitted
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Fences over seven (7) feet in height require building permits.

Retaining walls greater than four (4) feet in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall and/or supporting a surcharge require building permits.

What is a Surcharge? A surcharge is a vertical load imposed on the retained soil that may impose a lateral force in addition to the lateral earth pressure of the retained soil.  Examples include sloped soil, vehicle loads supported by retained soil and fences installed on top of retaining walls.

Planning Requirements to be Aware of:

Because all fences and walls must comply with the placement, height, and appearance requirements of the Pinole Municipal Code Chapter 17.42, applicants should review the code chapter and/or contact a planner ( prior to constructing any fence or wall, regardless of if a Building Permit is required or not.

Public Works Requirements to be Aware of:

  • Fences and walls must be built within your property line. Fences or walls built in the right-of-way require an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department. Failure to get permits may result in fines and removal of the structure at the owner’s expense. Did you know? Your property may not start at the sidewalk, as the City’s right-of-way could extend into your front yard. Before building, verify your property lines by checking your survey, consulting a surveyor, or contacting Public Works to confirm the location of your property lines. You can also view approximate property lines online. Taking these steps will ensure your future project is placed correctly and legally, providing peace of mind for years to come. Thank you for your attention to this important detail!
  • Sewer lateral compliance will be verified. A Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Types and Associated Subtypes

  • eTRAKiT Type: Fences over 7 Feet
    • Associated Subtypes: None
  • eTRAKiT Type: CMU Wall
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • 6 feet and under
      • Over 6 feet
  • eTRAKiT Type: Retaining Walls
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • 4 feet and under
      • Over 4 feet

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Plan set that includes:
    • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for reviewer notes
    • Overall site plan to show location of work
    • Existing and proposed elevations, including the total height and linear feet of all walls and fences
    • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
  • Structural drawings and calculations, if the project includes:
    • Retaining walls over 30”
    • CMU wall over 6 feet
    • Overhead trellis
    • Pergolas or other items that require framing details
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

If you are doing heating, ventilation, or air conditioning (HVAC) work, you need a mechanical building permit.

If the scope of your project is limited to residential replacement in-kind (like-for-like) mechanical work, you may consider using the Express Permit type which provides expedited approvals for the following residential like-for-like mechanical subtypes:

  • Air Conditioner – Condenser
  • Forced Air Unit, HVAC – Package Unit
  • HVAC – Split System/Heat Pump
  • Wall or Floor Furnace

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Types (this is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential) and Associated Subtypes (this is selected under Permit Type Information)

  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Mechanical
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • A/C condenser replacement
      • Alteration
      • Combo new and replacement
      • Duct replacement
      • Furnace replacement
      • Heat pump replacement
      • HVAC replacement
      • Miscellaneous
      • New
  • eTRAKiT Type: Residential Mechanical
    • Please note, this type is for standard mechanical permitting. If you are interested in applying for express residential mechanical permitting for replacement in-kind work visit the Express Permit section.
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Combo new and replacement
      • Duct or coil replacement
      • Equipment- _eg ventilation, whole house fan, etc
      • Furnace replacement – new location
      • HVAC replacement – new location
      • Miscellaneous

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Furnaces:
    • CF1R Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms
    • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
    • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
    • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
    • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)
  • AC units and heat pumps:
    • Site plan showing location of unit on property (residential only)
    • Site plan showing location of unit on roof (commercial only)
    • CF1R Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms
    • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
    • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects – note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
    • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
    • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

You need a plumbing building permit if you are doing any work with plumbing fixtures or pipes. Plumbing permits are often required when you are doing work in your kitchen or bathroom.

General plumbing upgrades, such as house replumbing do not require drawings unless they are part of a remodel project such as a bathroom remodel.

If the scope is part of a remodel project, use the Commercial Tenant Improvement or Addition permit type. If the project involves gas line extensions, drawings and equipment specifications are required to indicate locations of appliances.

If the scope of your project is limited to residential replacement in-kind (like-for-like) plumbing work, you may consider using the Express Permit type which provides expedited approvals for the following residential like-for-like plumbing subtypes:

  • Tank and Tankless Water Heaters
  • Water Line

If you need to do any work in the public right of way, including removing and replacing the sidewalk, you need an encroachment permit from the You can apply for this at the same time.

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Types (this is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential) and Associated Subtypes (this is selected under Permit Type Information)

  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Plumbing
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Alteration
      • Drain/Waste Line Replacement
      • Gas Line Replacement
      • Miscellaneous
      • New
      • Tankless Water Heater Replacement
      • Water Heater Replacement
      • Water Line Replacement
      • Seismic gas shutoff valve
  • eTRAKiT Type: Residential Plumbing
    • Please note, this type is for standard plumbing permitting. If you are interested in applying for express residential plumbing permitting for replacement in-kind work visit the Residential Express Permits section
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Alteration
      • Drain/waste line replacement
      • Gas line replacement
      • Miscellaneous
      • New tankless water heater
      • Seismic gas shutoff valve

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

When you apply online, you can upload documents with your application. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Plan set that includes:
    • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for reviewer notes
    • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
  • Gas calculations (applicable anytime a gas line is added)
  • Material Specifications
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Separate Fire Permit May Be Required

Additionally, your project may require a separate permit from ConFire if it involves project components that need to be individually permitted, such as a fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, and deferred submittals. To initiate the permitting process you must submit an application and all required fees directly to ConFire. You can submit and make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First determine and complete the applicable forms required
  2. Next, calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  3. To submit application and fees you may use their portal, mail in application and payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).
  4. For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

You need a permit if you are building or repairing a swimming pool. This permit type can be used for new pools, modifications to pools, hot tubs, and pool demolition.

If your project is part of a larger site improvement project, or home renovation, a separate permit may be required. Contact us to discuss at

Please contact the Planning Division at if you have questions about any zoning requirements.

As of January 1, 2007, state law requires that every residence for which a building permit is issued for a new or remodeled in-ground or above-ground swimming pool; non-portable wading pool; or portable or non-portable spa or hot tub must comply with at least 2 of the following requirements if the depth is greater than 18 inches:

  • Locking covers. Pools, hot tubs, and spas must have locking covers, either manual or power-operated, that meet the ASTM specifications F1346-9.
  • Gaps or voids, if any, do not allow passage of a sphere equal to or greater than 4 inches in diameter.
  • Swimming pool alarms. Swimming pool alarms that when placed in pools, will sound upon detection of accidental or unauthorized entrance into the water. These pool alarms shall meet and be independently certified to the ASTM F 2208 which includes surface motion, pressure, sonar, laser, and infrared type alarms. For purposes of this section, “swimming pool alarms” shall not include swimming protection alarm devices designed for individual use, such as an alarm attached to a child that sounds when the child exceeds a certain distance or becomes submerged in water.
  • Any access gates shall be equipped with self-closing, self-latching devices, and open outwardly, with a release mechanism placed no lower than 60 inches above the ground.

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Types (this is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential) and Associated Subtypes (this is selected under Permit Type Information)

  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Pool and Spa
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • New
      • Repair or replacement
  • eTRAKiT Type: Residential Pool and Spa
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • New
      • Repair or replacement

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

  • Site plan, including the following information:
    • Existing pool/spa location(s) with no changes in outside of perimeter
    • The location of pool equipment/pad, with dimension(s) to the property line
    • Height of any power lines over the pool indicated, (if applicable)
    • Dimension any structures on the property from the water line of the pool.
    • Specify equipment change-out or electrical panel upgrade to the pool equipment on the scope of work if applicable.
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

You need a building permit if you are building a new house. Before you can get a building permit, you need approval from the Planning Division.

  • New residences that meet the criteria for new residences under Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) would need to obtain Planning Division approval of an application for SB 9 Unit Development.
  • New residences that do not meet the criteria for new residences under SB 9 would need to obtain Planning Division approval of a Design Review application. Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Permit Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Residential New

eTRAKiT Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your options are

  • One Unit
  • Two Units
  • Three Units
  • Four Units
  • Five Units and More

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Plan set that includes:
    • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for reviewer notes
    • Overall Site Plan / Floor plan to show location of work
    • Proposed Floor Plans
    • Proposed Elevations
    • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
    • Electrical Plans
    • Structural drawings and calculations
    • Civil drawings, grading and drainage
    • Landscape Plan
  • Geotechnical report
  • Survey, if required
  • Title 24 Residential Energy Compliance Forms if adding habitable space or mechanical equipment
  • WELO Submittal Package
  • 3 Stormwater
  • WUI Details, if required
  • Statement of Special Inspections
  • Arborists Report, if required
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Fire Review Required

Fire review is required for all new residential buildings. During plan review, if it is determined that fire review is required, your plans will be routed to the Contra Costa Fire Department (ConFire) for a life/safety plan check, and you will be informed by email that you need to initiate payment separately to ConFire.  ConFire will not begin their plan check until all required plan check fees are collected directly by ConFire. You can make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  2. To submit fees you may use their portal, mail in payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).
  3. For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

Separate Fire Permit May Be Required

Additionally, your project may require a separate permit from ConFire if it involves project components that need to be individually permitted, such as a fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, and deferred submittals. To initiate the permitting process you must submit an application and all required fees directly to ConFire. You can submit and make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First determine and complete the applicable forms required
  2. Next, calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  3. To submit application and fees you may use their portal, mail in application and payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).
  4. For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

The City will not issue a Building Permit until approval from ConFire has been received.

Other Permits May Be Required

Depending on the nature of your project, you may need to get other permits, like:

  • Solar PV systems
  • Temporary Power Pole/Back-up Power (a subtype of Residential Electrical Permit Type)
  • A Public Works Encroachment Permit may be required for the following, including but not limited to: driveway approaches (curb cuts), sidewalks, work in city easements, concrete flatwork, temporary storage containers, debris boxes, landscaping adjacent to the sidewalk, etc.
  • Public Works Private Sewer Lateral Permits are required for sewer lateral video reviews, installation of new sewer lateral, replacement and/or repairs to sewer lateral. Please note that this may be required to apply for most building applications.
  • Temporary Construction Trailer
  • Demolition

Please reach out to the Planning Division ( and Public Works Department ( early in project development to avoid delays and/or penalties.

The residential remodel or alteration permit type is a catch-all permit type. This type should be used for anything from a small bathroom or kitchen remodel to a full house renovation or addition.

Please note! If your project is very limited in scope, for example, fencing work, window replacement, upgrade to electrical, adding lights to a space, replacing HVAC, etc., you may consider using the following types/subtypes:

  • Fences, CMU walls, retaining walls
  • Pools and Spas
  • Residential Electrical (Complete rewire, Fixture replacement, New fixtures, Service panel upgrade, Subpanel replace/relocate, Residential Backup power)
  • Residential Express Permits  like-for-like residential replacement expedited approvals for Air Conditioner – Condenser, Electric Service Panel Change Out, Exterior Finishes – Not Old Town, Forced Air Unit, HVAC – Package Unit, HVAC – Split System/Heat Pump, Photovoltaic Reinstall, Reroof – Not Old Town, Wall or Floor Furnace, Tank and Tankless Water Heaters, Water Line)
  • Residential Mechanical (New and replacement, Duct or coil replacement, Equipment, eg ventilation, whole house fan, Furnace replacement – new location, HVAC replacement – new location
  • Residential Miscellaneous (Insulation)
  • Residential Plumbing (Alteration, Drain/waste line replacement, Gas line replacement, New tankless water heater, Seismic gas shutoff valve)
  • Residential Solar
  • Siding or Stucco Replacement – Old Town (Change of Material and Like for Like)
  • Termite/Dry Rot Repair

Floor area additions to residences require approval of Design Review application from the Planning Division before building permit approval.

Although a Design Review application is not required for proposed remodels that reduce the size or number of garage/covered parking spaces and for increasing the number of bedrooms without expanding the existing residence, it is recommended that applicants check with the Planning Division. Contact to discuss your project.

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKit Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information

  • Residential remodel or alteration

eTRAKit  and Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your options are:

  • Addition
  • Remodel/alteration – like for like
  • Remodel/alteration – change in existing floor plan
  • Remodel/alteration and addition

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Plan set that includes:
    • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for reviewer notes
    • Overall Site Plan / Floor plan to show location of work
    • Existing and Proposed Floor Plans
    • Existing and Proposed Elevations
    • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
    • Electrical Plans of remodel area
    • Structural drawings and calculations
  • Statement of Special Inspections
  • Geotechnical report, if required
  • Survey, if footprint of building is expanding
  • Title 24 Residential Energy Compliance Forms if adding habitable space or Mechanical equipment
  • Landscape Plan, if required
  • WELO, if required
  • C.3 Stormwater, if required
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Note, for smaller scope projects, such as bathroom, kitchen and interior remodels, typical required submittal documents include:

  • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for notes
  • Existing and Proposed Floor Plans
  • Electrical Plans of remodeled area
  • Structural drawings and calculations, if opening or moving walls provide framing information
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects – note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Fire Review May be Required

Fire review may be required based on the scope of work. During plan review, if it is determined that fire review is required, your plans will be routed to the Contra Costa Fire Department (ConFire) for a life/safety plan check, and you will be informed by email that you need to initiate payment separately to ConFire. ConFire will not begin their plan check until all required plan check fees are collected directly by ConFire. You can make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  2. To submit fees you may use their portal, mail in payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).
  3. For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

Separate Fire Permit May Be Required

Additionally, your project may require a separate permit from ConFire if it involves project components that need to be individually permitted, such as a fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, and deferred submittals. To initiate the permitting process you must submit an application and all required fees directly to ConFire. You can submit and make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First determine and complete the applicable forms required
  2. Next, calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  3. To submit application and fees you may use their portal, mail in application and payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).

For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

You need a permit if you are installing a new roof or repairing an existing roof. The Permit type you’ll select depends on if the roof is residential or commercial, and if the structure is inside or outside of Old Town Pinole. If you are building a new roof as part of a larger project, the permit would fall under the residential or commercial permit for the structure.

Reroofs in the Old Town area that are not like-for-like replacements are required to meet applicable guidelines in the Old Town Design Guidelines. An applicant may be required to provide samples of roofing materials where changes to roofing materials in the Old Town area are proposed.

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTRAKiT Types and Associated Subtypes

  • Type of Project and Location in Pinole: Commercial, regardless of location in Pinole
    • eTRAKiT Roofing Types. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential: Commercial Re-roof 
    • Associated Subtypes: None
  • Type of Project and Location in Pinole: Residential, and in Old Town
    • eTRAKiT Roofing Types. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential: Residential Reroof – Old Town
    • Associated Subtypes: None
  • Type of Project and Location in Pinole: Residential, outside of Old Town
    • eTRAKiT Roofing Types. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential: Residential Express Permit
    • Associated Subtypes: Reroof-Not in Old Town

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • For roofs other than standard composition shingles, provide the manufacturer’s installation instructions, the ESRI report, or Listing Documentation.
  • Roofing materials samples may be required where changes to roofing materials in the Old Town area are proposed.
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

You need a seismic or structural upgrade permit if your project involves:

Please note that a Building Permit will not be issued until the existing sewer lateral has been inspected, a Private Sewer Lateral Permit to repair/replace the sewer lateral for the main residence is approved or proof of issuance of a valid sewer lateral certificate of compliance is provided.

eTrakit Type. This is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information.

  • Residential Foundation/Seismic Upgrade

Subtypes. Next, select the proper Permit Subtype under Permit Type Information. Your options are:

  • New
  • Repair
  • Seismic Upgrade

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Plan set that includes:
    • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for reviewer notes
    • Overall Site Plan / Floor plan to show location of work
    • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
    • Structural drawings and calculations
  • For Brace and Bolt program, in lieu of above requirements a completed Standard Planset A
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

If you decide to make changes to your approved plans, these changes must be reviewed by the Building Division, as well as all other Departments/Divisions/Agencies that originally reviewed and approved the original permit. Please note that additional fees are required for this review.

To apply for a Revision to Approved Plans (RAP) permit in Pinole’s eTRAKiT system:

  1. Select the Revision to Approved Plans permit type, and the Other subtype.
  2. Provide information as required, including the Revision to Approved Plans form.
  3. Pay required fees.

You will receive an email from staff regarding next steps; you may not start work until you’ve received approval from the Building Division.

On September 16, 2022, Senate Bill (SB) 379 was approved by California Governor Gavin Newsom to establish instantaneous plan review practices and create consistent permitting processes at cities and counties for automated permitting of residential solar and energy storage systems. The City of Pinole is proud to announce that it has partnered with Symbium to establish an automated permitting platform that complies with requirements of SB 379. Contractors and homeowners seeking to pull permits under SB 379 will be able to apply for instantaneous plan review approval via this Symbium portal. The use of the new platform is highly encouraged as it facilitates and expedites plan review and permit issuance. However, applicants seeking to apply for residential roof top systems or energy storage systems outside of the platform, or for those that are disqualified from utilizing the system, can still submit electronically via e-TRAKiT using the Solar permit type.

Steps to Apply Now

Step 1: Enter your property address in the address bar below.

Symbium will provide rich data about the property and its permit history. NOTE: Only addresses that are in the City of Pinole will be recognized. If your address is not recognized, your property is outside of Pinole.

Step 2: Start a permit.
When you’re ready to apply, click on the Rooftop Solar or Battery Storage Installation button under the Instant Permitting section.

Step 3: Provide system details.

Answer some questions about your proposed solar energy system. The City allows for instantaneous plan review approval via the Symbium portal for the following permit types:
• Residential solar energy system that is no larger than 38.4 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating.
• Battery Storage System with batteries no larger than 20 kilowatts each.
• Combined residential solar energy system that is no larger than 38.4 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating and battery storage system with batteries no larger than 20 kilowatts each.

Step 4: Review the analysis provided.

Symbium will instantly check for compliance with State and local regulations and provides a detailed analysis of why (or why not) the project meets code requirements.

Step 5: Apply for your permit and pay fees.

You don’t have to leave Symbium to submit and pay for your permit application. Using Symbium, your permit will be issued automatically, without manual review or an in-person visit. Symbium even automatically verifies your contractor’s and business licenses.

Step 6: Your Permit is Issued.

After your application is reviewed by and paid for using Symbium, you will be able to view and print your issued permit and access your inspection checklist in one of two ways:

  1. Log in to Pinole’s eTRAKiT permitting system and then search for your permit number to view and print your permit, and to review the attached inspection checklist. Learn about creating an account in eTRAKiT and more.
  2. Alternatively, you will be provided with a link to view and print your issued permit through Symbium. You may view the inspection checklist associated with your permit through Symbium.

Step 7: Schedule an Inspection
When you’re ready, you can schedule your inspection.

Have questions? View FAQs about Instant Residential Solar and ESS permits.

SB 721 requires the inspection of elevated exterior elements such as balconies, decks, stairways, and walkways in multi-family residential buildings with three or more units. These inspections ensure the structural integrity and safety of elements over 6 feet above ground level. SB 721 requires an Initial Compliance Report must be submitted the local building jurisdiction to document the findings. Reports must be prepared by a licensed professional, and additional reports may be required if repairs are needed.

eTRAKiT Type (this is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information): SB 721 Balcony Compliance

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents.

  • Report prepared in compliance with SB 721

You need a solar building permit if you are installing solar panels and/or an energy storage system (ESS) on your property.

The City of Pinole is proud to announce that it has partnered with Symbium to establish an automated permitting platform that complies with requirements of SB 379. Contractors and homeowners seeking to pull permits under SB 379 will be able to apply for instantaneous plan review approval via this Symbium portal with instructions on the Instant Residential Solar and ESS Permits page. The use of the new platform is highly encouraged as it facilitates and expedites plan review and permit issuance. However, applicants seeking to apply for residential roof top systems or energy storage systems outside of the platform, or for those that are disqualified from utilizing the system, can still submit electronically via e-TRAKiT using the Commercial Solar or Residential Solar type.

eTRAKiT Types (this is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential) and Associated Subtypes (this is selected under Permit Type Information)

IMPORTANT: Are you looking for express residential solar permitting? Please visit to get started. The following permit types are not expedited.

  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Solar
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Ground Mount
      • Roof Mount
      • Thermal
  • eTRAKiT Type: Residential Solar
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • ESS and main panel upgrade
      • ESS only 20kwh and less per battery
      • ESS only greater than 20 kwh per battery
      • Solar panels and ESS 20kwh and less per battery
      • Solar panels and ESS greater than 20 kwh per battery
      • Solar panels and main panel upgrade
      • Solar panels and main panel upgrade and ESS
      • Solar panels only

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Plan set that includes:
    • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for reviewer notes
    • Existing roof rafter size, spacing and span
    • Roof plan showing Fire Setbacks
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)

Fire Review May be Required

Fire review may be required, depending on the scope of work. During plan review, if it is determined that fire review is required, your plans will be routed to the Contra Costa Fire Department (ConFire) for a life/safety plan check, and you will be informed by email that you need to initiate payment separately to ConFire.  ConFire will not begin their plan check until all required plan check fees are collected directly by ConFire. You can make payment online, via mail or in person.

  1. First calculate fees due using their Commercial or Residential Engineering Fees Schedule. To confirm fees you can email
  2. To submit fees you may use their portal, mail in payment via check or credit card authorization form or come in person Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm (Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 250 Concord, CA 94520).

For a credit card authorization form, or any other questions, call ConFire at 925-941-3300 and talk to the operator. You can also email

Use the following permit types depending on the nature of your project. In an effort to address climate change, we encourage you to replace water heaters with electric heat pump water heaters. Learn about Pinole’s electrification rebates and resources.

eTRAKiT Types (this is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential) and Associated Subtypes (this is selected under Permit Type Information)

  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Plumbing
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Tankless water heater replacement
      • Water heater replacement
  • eTRAKiT Type: Residential Replacement Like-For-Like
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Water heater- tank
      • Water heater- tankless
  • eTRAKiT Type: Residential Plumbing
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Alteration
      • New tankless water heater

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

You need a permit if you are replacing exterior doors or windows. This includes garage doors.  Projects in the Old Town area that are not like-for-like replacements are required to meet applicable guidelines in the . For projects that propose new materials or changes to size/location are encouraged to contact to discuss your project prior to submitting a Building Permit application.

If your project includes other renovations, such as a kitchen or bath remodel, use the Residential Remodel or Alteration Permit Type.

Replacement or new windows in sleeping rooms need to meet the minimum requirements for emergency egress:

  • 20” clear opening width
  • 24” clear opening height
  • 0 sf clear net opening area
  • 7 sf clear net opening area above the grade level
  • Max sill height of 44” above the finished floor
  • Exception: sash replacement only, in an existing opening that does not reduce the opening. See CRC section R310 for more information.

eTRAKiT Types (this is the Permit Type you select under Permit Type Information, depending on whether the work is commercial or residential) and Associated Subtypes (this is selected under Permit Type Information)

  • eTRAKiT Type: Commercial Tenant Improvement or Addition
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • Tenant improvement only – all other
      • Tenant improvement only – all other
  • eTRAKiT Type: Residential windows and doors replacement
    • Associated Subtypes:
      • New
      • Replacement – Not Old Town
      • Replacement – Old Town

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

  • Floor plan showing each room on every floor with window and door locations and sizes
  • Title 24 energy code CF1&CF2R forms
  • If nail-on windows, framing plans
  • A completed Submittal/Resubmittal Form
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects). Note that the Owner-Builder Declaration must be signed by the Property Owner electronically in docusign via the secure link above– note “Owner/Builder” Declarations are not allowed for commercial projects)
  • Accurate Valuation including total value of the work for which a permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems, including materials and labor
  • At final, a Self-Certification Affidavit for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms completed by the property owner (residential properties only)